Additional Client Area Header

The Additional Client Area Header is a new configurable feature that is available in v4.0.4 and above.

To enable the additional client area header

  1. Go to the module settings page

  2. Enable the "Enable Additional Header" option

  3. Press Save

To Translate The Client Area Header content or to override the current content

Due to a limitation on WHMCS end in regards to translations within hooks, a workaround is required. The translation has to be done in the main WHMCS ~/lang/overrides directory and not in the module folder.

To Translate

  1. Create a directory named overrides within the main ~/lang/ directory in the WHMCS directory.

  2. Create the new language file (for example, French) ~/lang/overrides/french.php with the content below. You can freely change the content on the right


$_LANG['#009579'] = "#009579";
$_LANG['Important'] = "Important";
$_LANG['You have active abuse reports that require your attention. Visit the resolution center by clicking here.'] = "Vous avez des rapports d'abus actifs qui nécessitent votre attention. Visitez le centre de résolution en cliquant ici.";

To Override & Customize the English/Default content

  1. Create a directory named overrides within the main ~/lang/ directory in the WHMCS directory.

  2. Create a new language file ~/lang/overrides/english.php with the content below. You can freely change the content on the right


$_LANG['#009579'] = "#272822";
$_LANG['Important'] = "This is Important";
$_LANG['You have active abuse reports that require your attention. Visit the resolution center by clicking here.'] = "Please visit the resolution center by clicking here!";

Last updated