
v5.1 (8 November 2024)

New Features & Enhancements:

  • Enhanced the service selection dropdown for an improved UX on input forms

  • Additional enhancements to the new admin activity log in the abuse report detailed view

  • Additional enhancements and code improvements added to the ajax service


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the WHMCS system URL from being used in the client reply to abuse report admin notification email

  • Fixed a bug with IPinCIDR function when trying to match an IP address

v5.0 (6 November 2024)

New Features & Enhancements:

  • Enhanced the reverse lookup functionality to also search for IPs in assigned IPs column, and search using CIDRs, IP ranges, single IPs per line, and comma separated IPs

  • Enhanced the input forms for better validations and requiring input from the user

  • Enhanced the dependent dropdown's ajax service and ux on input forms


  • Fixed a bug that showed two dropdowns for IPs when creating an abuse report from the service detail page

  • Fixed a bug with IPinCIDR function when parsing IPv6 (Error: ArithmeticError)

v4.9 (4 November 2024)

New Features & Enhancements:

  • Added a new admin activity log to the abuse report detailed view, this lists all the actions against the specific abuse report

  • Added logging of all AMP actions to the WHMCS activity log

  • Added new merge fields for client's full name and first name to the admin reply box in the detailed view of open abuse reports

  • Added new actions to admin replies in the detailed view of open abuse reports (reply and return to view, reply and stay in the report, reply and suspend, reply and unsuspend, reply and close the report)

  • Added new suspend and unsuspend service options in detailed view of open abuse reports

  • Added new option where contacts that are set to receive support related emails, will also now receive abuse reports and related communications


  • Fixed a bug that stopped client email notifications on admin replies

  • Fixed a bug that removed line breaks from admin replies in email notifications

  • Fixed a bug that prevented html tags from being stripped from imported emails

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the unsuspend options from being visible on queued abuse reports

  • Fixed a bug that prevented non IP related content from being stripped from the IP selection dropdown (from assigned IPs field)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the WHMCS system URL from being used for the redirect for the Pay To Unsuspend functionality

v4.8 (12 October 2024)


  • Fixed a bug with incorrect sorting of dates in tables in open, queued, and closed abuse reports pages

  • Fixed a bug where the new unsuspend options are not shown on the edit abuse report page

v4.7 (15 July 2024)

New Features & Enhancements:

  • Added a new Pay To Unsuspend Feature (charge users for abuse clean up or management fees)

  • Added a new functionality to accept IMAP imported emails/abuse reports only if they belong to a specific CIDR (useful for multibrand)

  • Added a new config option to allow you to keep or delete data in the database if disabling the module

  • Added new notification trigger: client reply to report

  • Added new notification trigger: admin reply to report

  • Added new notification trigger: admin notification for autoassigned reports

  • Added new functionality to cascade deleting attachments belonging to a report if a report is deleted

  • Added new functionality to automatically close open abuse tickets if the service related to the abuse report is terminated

  • Enhanced the notification system triggers to contain more relevant information and better UX

  • Enhanced time/performance of admin replies to abuse report (conversations)

  • Enhanced auto assigned report details to contain the body of the original report

  • Enhanced how the 'create abuse report' CTA is shown when SiteJet is enabled on WHMCS (it will now be moved to the 'More' button for products that use SiteJet)


  • Fixed a bug with suspension email not being sent if timelimit suspend option was used

  • Fixed a bug with viewing abuse reports that pertain to services without a hostname

  • Fixed a bug with SQL missing column

v4.4 (16 Jun 2023)

New Features & Enhancements:

  • Added a new configurable option to import only the first email, and discard replies from being imported and queued

  • Added a new configurable option exclude certain client groups from the auto suspension from the auto import feature

  • Added a new unsuspend button in the abuse report detailed view (visible when the service the abuse report is related to is suspended)

  • Added a new file preview method, to allow admins to preview attachments instead of having to download them locally

  • Enhanced client unsuspend data row on the abuse report detailed view

  • Enhanced IMAP connection logging in module logs


  • Fixed a bug with client dropdown (selectize library)

  • Fixed a bug with html content email import that prevented clients from replying to abuse reports

  • Fixed a bug with downloading a PDF report on chrome

  • Fixed a bug with file inclusions that affected specific SaaS provider environments

v4.3 (25th Mar 2023)

New Features:

  • Added new admin charts in the abuse overview page (abuse reports in the last 15 days, abuse reports breakdown by category, and abuse reports breakdown by status)

  • Admin can now see how many times in total a service has had abuse reports (detailed abuse report view)

  • Added a comma separated configurable option to remove values from imported emails (e.g. to remove vendor names from reports)

  • Added a comma separated configurable option to replace values in imported emails (e.g. to replace vendor names with your own company name)


  • Enhanced the admin abuse report detailed view and conversations/replies

  • Revamp of the UI/UX in the client area

  • Updated English language english.php translation file

  • Lagom theme support


  • Fixed a bug with abuse reports chart

  • Fixed a bug with Lagom theme line wrapping

v4.2 (25th Jan 2023)


  • Mail parsing enhancements: replaced mail parsing library for better email parsing (PHP-IMAP)

  • Updated clienthome.tpl template file with new variable to track and update the notice message for the Standard lock down mode (when client replies and is allowed to temporarily visit other pages)

  • Updated English language english.php translation file


  • Fixed a bug with TCPDF on PHP 8.1 when exporting PDF reports

  • Fixed a bug that parsed emails incorrectly from gmail/google apps accounts

  • Fixed a bug with admin email notification on automatically imported and assigned report

  • Fixed a bug with excessive logging loop

  • Fixed a bug with additional information field formatting when editing a report

  • Fixed a bug with content formatting in the client abuse report detailed view

  • Fixed a bug with content formatting related to long content in the admin abuse report details in open, closed, and queued views (overflow)

  • Fixed a bug with Standard Lock Down Client Area setting

v4.1 (21st Jan 2023)

New Features:

  • Support PHP 8.1 and latest WHMCS (with latest ioncube loaders)

  • Admin Quick Replies (click to insert predefined content)

  • Discard duplicate abuse reports within last 24 hours configurable option (you can now drop duplicate abuse reports pertaining to an IP address that was reported in the last 24 hours)

  • Send a reminder to the customer before time limit automatic suspension configurable option (if an admin sets a report to suspend a service after 1440 minutes (24 hours), a reminder will be sent to the customer half way at 720 minutes (12 hours)

  • Override automatic time limit suspension configurable option (if an admin sets a report to suspend a service after a time limit, and the customer replies back to the abuse report, the service will no longer be automatically suspended)

  • Datatables on all tables within the module which allow for sorting, filtering, and pagination


  • Revamped admin widget

  • Performance enhancement for mass delete reports functionality

  • Added PDF report export to closed abuse reports

  • Mail parsing enhancements: replaced mail parsing library for better email parsing

  • Grouped similar settings together on the module’s settings page

  • Additional formatting enhancements for longer content in exports and in views


  • Fixed a bug which resulted in missing attachments when importing emails

  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly parsed base64 encoded emails

  • Fixed a bug with imported email content

  • Fixed a bug related to abuse report categorization on imported emails

  • Fixed a bug with the select-all checkbox (previously checked checkboxes are removed when table is redrawn)

  • Fixed a bug with incident date display issue in the Abuse Report Automatically Assigned admin email

  • Fixed a bug with PDF report exports missing some replies

  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly redirects an admin to the wrong page when deleting attachments

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the redirection to the closed report view when closing an abuse report

  • Fixed a bug with the datetimepicker

  • Fixed a bug with date formatting on Edit Report Abuse page

  • Fixed a bug where an empty entry was added to the IP address dropdown list when creating an abuse report from the product/service page


  • Security & General Code Maintenance

  • Changed versioning system

v4.0.4 (7th Aug 2022)

New Features:

  • New option to Auto Suspend Service based on Auto Assigned Reports with the options of allowing customer to either self unsuspend or not

  • New option for Lock Down Client Area feature - Standard: lock down the client area only if client has not replied to open abuse reports (more details in documentation)

  • New option for Lock Down Client Area feature - Strict: lock down the client area if client has open abuse reports (more details in documentation)

  • Configurable Additional Banner in Client Area - fully translatable and customizable to match look and feel of your branding

  • If Admin has a signature, it will not be displayed in the reply box

  • Client sticky notes are now visible when viewing any report within Abuse Manager Pro


  • Additional improvements to the override staff notifications system

  • Additional enhancements relating to formatting and content to the open and closed report details pages

  • Additional verification and validation on client replies

  • Updated english.php translation file with additional content

  • Updated clienthome.tpl to support additional features


  • Fixed a bug where the Create Abuse Report in the customer profile's product/service tab would not be visible if the hostname was not FQDN/invalid

  • Formatting of large chunk of text in queued abuse reports now displays correctly

  • Preserve line breaks and formatting in conversations and replies

  • Fixed character encoding issues on the Abuse Manager Pro table schema

  • Fixed a bug with the Abuse Manager Pro Recaptcha hook


  • Security & General Code Maintenance

v4.0.3 (24th Jan 2022)

New Features:

  • Auto Assign Reports - a configurable option that allows a report imported via IMAP or the public abuse reporting page to bypass the queue, and automatically be assigned to the customer (reverse-lookup based on an active service's dedicated IPv4 address) - more details on the new documentation website

  • Admin: Added new mass close button to the mass actions (with selected) on the open abuse reports page


  • Admin: Mass actions UI/UX improvement while filtering the rows

  • Admin: Moved the reopen button for closed reports to the report detailed view

  • Admin: Added customer email notification if admin reopens a closed report

  • Admin: Improved the reverse-lookup function for categories on IMAP imported emails

  • Admin: Reports submitted via the public abuse reporting page now show the category of the abuse on the queued reports page


  • Admin: Fixed an issue with missing timestamps in closed abuse reports email notification template

  • Admin: Fixed an issue with incorrect processing of emails encoded in base64 when imported via IMAP

v4.0.2 (19th Jan 2022)


  • Admin: check for updates page now shows minor versions correctly

  • Admin: fixed mass delete bug where it selected even hidden checkboxes after an admin typed a value in the filter input field

  • Admin: fixed date format in IMAP import notification template

  • Admin: fixed bug with missing category merge field in IMAP import notification template


  • Admin: possible client details reverse lookup now links to the client profile page, as well as the service page

  • Admin: The three statistics boxes on the overview page now all link to their respective page

v4.0.1 (13th Jan 2022)

  • [NEW] Admin: Added an option to export an abuse report in PDF format (including chat history)

  • [NEW] Admin: Added the option to select reports using checkboxes for mass actions on open, closed, and queued reports

  • [NEW] Admin: Added the ability to add & delete attachments in open and queued reports

  • [NEW] Admin: Added the ability to clone/duplicate existing open or closed reports

  • [NEW] Admin: Added the ability to see if the report has been opened/viewed by a customer

  • [NEW] Admin: Added a new page that allows admins to check for new versions of the script

  • [NEW] Admin: Client names are color coded based on their group on open, closed, and detailed report view

  • [NEW] Client Area: Added the ability to download attachments from a new modal in the report detail view

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Improved the UI of Abuse Manager Pro's Overview Page

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Improved the date/time input field

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Added status column on open reports page that shows 'awaiting reply' if last reply is by customer

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Added confirmation to delete buttons

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Added module settings link to module sidebar

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Added documentation link to module sidebar

  • [IMPROVED] Client Area: Improved the UI to better fit WHMCS styling (including chat)

  • [IMPROVED] Client Area: Improved customer UX by removing the label bade and integrated with native WHMCS notifications instead

  • [IMPROVED] Client Area: Moved self-unsuspend actions to a separate modal

  • [IMPROVED] IMAP fetch will no longer be called if the IMAP fields are empty in the module settings

  • [IMPROVED] Public Reporting Page: Restyling and additional validation

  • [IMPROVED] Updated language file with additional strings

  • [BUG] Hot-fix Ioncube encoding

  • [BUG] Fixed line break bug with the public abuse reporting form

  • [BUG] Fixed Smarty Template bug relating to 'amp admin queue' email template

  • [BUG] Fixed bug where Create Abuse button on product/service tab was missing in some WHMCS versions

  • [BUG] Fixed email address validation bug on the public abuse reporting form

  • [BUG] Fixed bug where the date is shown unformatted in admin notification emails

  • [BUG] Fixed bug with copy to clipboard button

  • [BUG] Fixed bug with admin sidebar menu styling

  • Code clean up and general maintenance

v4.0 (13th Jan 2022)

  • [NEW] Admin: Added an option to export an abuse report in PDF format (including chat history)

  • [NEW] Admin: Added the option to select reports using checkboxes for mass actions on open, closed, and queued reports

  • [NEW] Admin: Added the ability to add & delete attachments in open and queued reports

  • [NEW] Admin: Added the ability to clone/duplicate existing open or closed reports

  • [NEW] Admin: Added the ability to see if the report has been opened/viewed by a customer

  • [NEW] Admin: Added a new page that allows admins to check for new versions of the script

  • [NEW] Admin: Client names are color coded based on their group on open, closed, and detailed report view

  • [NEW] Client Area: Added the ability to download attachments from a new modal in the report detail view

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Improved the UI of Abuse Manager Pro's Overview Page

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Improved the date/time input field

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Added status column on open reports page that shows 'awaiting reply' if last reply is by customer

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Added confirmation to delete buttons

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Added module settings link to module sidebar

  • [IMPROVED] Admin: Added documentation link to module sidebar

  • [IMPROVED] Client Area: Improved the UI to better fit WHMCS styling (including chat)

  • [IMPROVED] Client Area: Improved customer UX by removing the label bade and integrated with native WHMCS notifications instead

  • [IMPROVED] Client Area: Moved self-unsuspend actions to a separate modal

  • [IMPROVED] IMAP fetch will no longer be called if the IMAP fields are empty in the module settings

  • [IMPROVED] Public Reporting Page: Restyling and additional validation

  • [IMPROVED] Updated language file with additional strings

  • [BUG] Fixed bug with admin email notifications from IMAP import

  • [BUG] Fixed line break bug with the public abuse reporting form

  • [BUG] Fixed Smarty Template bug relating to 'amp admin queue' email template

  • [BUG] Fixed bug where Create Abuse button on product/service tab was missing in some WHMCS versions

  • [BUG] Fixed email address validation bug on the public abuse reporting form

  • [BUG] Fixed bug where the date is shown unformatted in admin notification emails

  • [BUG] Fixed bug with copy to clipboard button

  • [BUG] Fixed bug with admin sidebar menu styling

  • Code clean up and general maintenance

v3.6 (30th Nov 2020)

  • [FIX] Updated the script to be compatible with WHMCS 8+.

v3.5 (14th Aug 2020)

  • [FIX] Updated the script to use our new licensing server - you need to update to the latest version to avoid licensing issues.

v3.4 (2nd Apr 2020)

  • [FEATURE] FraudRecord integration - submit FraudRecord abuse reports from within the abuse report directly

  • [FEATURE] API availability - read more about the API at

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Option to hide the public abuse reporting page menu link

v3.3.1 (14th Mar 2020)

  • [FEATURE] WHMCS's Intelligent Search integration - searching by customer name, service hostname, or IP will show related abuse reports

  • [FEATURE] Added 'Copy To Clipboard' buttons on queued abuse reports and on admin notes modal

  • [IMPROVEMENT] You no longer need to specify 'Date & Time Format' when setting up Abuse Manager Pro, as we now use the same values from your WHMCS general settings locale

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added a Date Time Picker to all timestamp/date inputs, you no longer need to type the date and/or time manually

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Queued abuse reports can now be opened in new tabs (right click, open in new tab)

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Flagged clients on the Abuse Overview page now link to the new AMP search page, showing you that clients' open abuse reports

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Updated clienthome.tpl

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed issue with Copy to Clipboard

v3.3 (14th Mar 2020)

  • [FEATURE] WHMCS's Intelligent Search integration - searching by customer name, service hostname, or IP will show related abuse reports

  • [FEATURE] Added 'Copy To Clipboard' buttons on queued abuse reports and on admin notes modal

  • [IMPROVEMENT] You no longer need to specify 'Date & Time Format' when setting up Abuse Manager Pro, as we now use the same values from your WHMCS general settings locale

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added a Date Time Picker to all timestamp/date inputs, you no longer need to type the date and/or time manually

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Queued abuse reports can now be opened in new tabs (right click, open in new tab)

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Flagged clients on the Abuse Overview page now link to the new AMP search page, showing you that clients' open abuse reports

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Updated clienthome.tpl

v3.2 (4th Feb 2020)

  • [FEATURE] Quickly add a new abuse report from the client's service tab with the help of a new button without any template modifications - saving you time from selecting the client, and the service manually

  • [FEATURE] Quick stats (total abuse reports, open abuse reports, and closed abuse reports) on Client Profile Page now link to a page that shows more details (eg. clicking on the open count on the Client Profile Page will show all the open abuse reports belonging to that customer)

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug with "Reports Requiring Your Action" on Abuse Overview page

v3.1 (28th Jan 2020)

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed issue with magic import on queued reports where the reverse lookup showed wrong possible values

v3.0 (26th Jan 2020)

  • [FEATURE] Attachments are saved when emails are imported using the IMAP method (Queued)

  • [FEATURE] Added customer ID in client dropdown to help differentiate customers with same name

  • [FEATURE] Added quick stats (total abuse reports, open abuse reports, and closed abuse reports) on Client Profile Page

  • [FEATURE] Added a quick link to add a new abuse report from the Client Profile Page

  • [FEATURE] Staff notifications on new queued reports (from IMAP or Public Facing Page) can be custom routed using the new WHMCS notifications system

  • [FEATURE] reCaptcha v3 in use for the public facing report page

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Admin can now edit a report

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Admin can now specify a custom IP address (not one from the pre-populated ones linked to the service) when creating a new report, or assigning a queued report to a client

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Magic import button to "use these values" on queued reports

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Client area's "last reply by" & "service" columns

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Updated english.php language file

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Staff get notified on queued reports (from IMAP or Public Facing Page)

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Override the links in the WHMCS navbar (for Resolution Center, and Report Abuse)

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Queued report lookups now look at both dedicated IP and assigned IP fields for possible values

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Additional help text is added to tooltips on module's settings/config page

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed issue with timestamp for reports submitted from the Public Facing Page

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed issue with links opening new tabs in HTTP instead of HTTPS on open, closed, and queued reports when clicking on a client's name, or service

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed issue with a customer email template (amp new reply)

  • [DEPRECATED] Removed pipe.php from latest release. This method of importing emails is deprecated.

v2.5 (29th Jun 2018)

  • Added 'Last Reply By' column in client area view (Resolution Center) so client has an overview on which he needs to reply to or await an answer

  • Added 'Service' column in client area view (Resolution Center) so the client knows which service (product name + domain/hostname) the report is linked to

  • Added 'Use These Values' button for queued reports to automatically use the values that are parsed from the report (possible client, service, and ip) - you no longer need to fill the form manually

  • Fixed a bug with line breaks for queued reports page

  • Code Clean Up

v2.0 (17th Apr 2018)

  • Made the module compatible with WHMCS7.5, and PHP7.1 and 7.2 - with latest Ioncube loaders.

  • Code Clean Up

v1.9 (12th Apr 2018)

  • Made the module compatible with WHMCS7.5, and PHP5.6, 7.0, 7.1, and 7.2

  • Supports the latest Ioncube loaders

  • Added SSL options for IMAP emails import (previously TLS only)

  • Code Clean Up

v1.7 (29th Apr 2017)

  • Added the Additional IPs to the IP dropdown when adding a new or queued abuse report - you can now select IPs from the additional IPs added to a product.

  • Fixed an issue where some html characters are not shown

  • Fixed an issue where long reports are not formatted correctly

  • Queued reports now show who the abuse is from (their email) and shows the subject - this allows you to easily spot spam coming in and deleting them easily

  • Code Clean Up

v1.6 (12th Apr 2017)

  • Made further improvements to the module to be compatible with WHMCS7, and PHP7.0.X

  • Improved the user experience/process

  • Deprecated the pipe email method, now mail is fetched using php_imap

  • Fixed an issue where if the menu link is disabled, the recaptcha is disabled too

  • Fixed an issue where some installs resulted in a fatal error when enabling lock down mode

  • Code Clean Up

  • If you are running WHMCS 7 and you have the main WHMCS cron running every 5 minutes, you do not need the 2nd Abuse Manager Pro cron line any more

v1.5 (1st Nov 2016)

  • Made the module compatible with WHMCS7, and PHP7

  • Improved the user experience/process

  • Added an admin notes section where admins can add/update hidden notes that are in regards to the abuse report in question

  • Improved how the module displays possible details of client (admin side, queued reports)

  • Added time/date format, now can be changed to different locales

  • Added an option to enable or disable the menu link for the module (client side)

  • If a client unsuspends his service, the unsuspend button is now disabled and the client is told that he has already unsuspended his service

  • If a client unsuspends his service, it is shown in the abuse report for the admin to refer to

  • Fixed an issue with pipe.php - local delivery failure

  • Added multiple language (multilang) support for the module

  • Changed wording of sentences, to further help the customer

  • Code Clean Up

v1.0 (5th Apr 2016)

Admin Features

  • Abuse Dashboard that shows you quick statistics and important information

  • Admin Widget on WHMCS admin home page which shows abuse reports that require your attention

  • Filter records using a filter on top of open, closed, queued abuse reports pages to quickly find what you are looking for

  • Quick links to client's details and service from within reports and from open, closed, and queued report pages

  • Ability to create a new abuse report using ajax to quickly select a customer, their product, and IP address

  • Ability to set the service in question to either not suspend, suspend immediately, or suspend after a time limit

  • Ability to allow the client to unsuspend their service on their own

  • Ability to view, close, reopen, and delete - open and closed abuse reports

  • Ability to assign to client, and delete - queued abuse reports (from 3rd parties)

  • Ability to see suggestions on which customer and service the queued abuse report might belong to

  • Ability to see details of abuse report from within an abuse report

  • Ability to start a conversation with the client from within open abuse reports

  • Ability to see a read-only abuse report, when an abuse report is closed

  • Ability to see the imported email body or abuse report from 3rd parties from within queued abuse reports

  • Ability to lock down client area if a customer has any open abuse reports

  • Ability to set a maximum amount of open abuse reports before a customer is flagged on admin side

  • Ability to specify amount of time before a service is automatically suspended (only if report is set to suspend a service after a time limit)

  • Ability to lift the automatic suspension, before the service is suspended from within an open abuse report

  • Ability to create as many different abuse categories as you see fit

  • Multiple staff can work on the same abuse report

  • reCaptcha Support

  • gravatar Support in admin replies

  • Custom email templates which are sent to staff and customers, which can also be edited and include merge fields

Public Features

  • Report Abuse link in top navigation bar (automatically shown), which is a public facing abuse report page, which allows 3rd parties to send you abuse reports easily

  • reCaptcha Support to avoid spam

Customer Features

  • Resolution Center link in top navigation bar (automatically shown), which shows a customer all their abuse reports - open and closed, with the ability to view both

  • Report details show vital information to the customer, including the service in question, the IP, date of incident, the category of the abuse report, as well as the abuse report it self.

  • Ability to view a read-only abuse report if an abuse report is set as closed

  • Ability to start a conversation with staff from within open abuse reports

  • Ability to self unsuspend a service (if enabled for a customer on abuse report creation or assigning)

  • gravatar Support in client replies

Last updated