Admin Quick Replies

Admin Quick Replies feature is a new enhancement that is available in v4.1 and above.

Quick replies allow admins to use text within their replies in open abuse reports, or when creating new abuse reports. Quick replies help the admins avoid entering repetitive text, if they use the same content on replies for example.

To be able to use quick replies, you first need to navigate to Support > Predefined Replies in WHMCS admin area and add a new category with category name as amp (lower case, as below)

Adding a new category in Predefined Replies

Now, you can add a predefined reply, and give it a title of your choice (as below)

Adding a new predefined reply in Predefined Replies

Next, add in the content of the predefined reply, and make sure the category selected is amp

Adding the content and selecting the category for this predefined reply

You can now use the newly created predefined reply when creating a new abuse report or when replying to a customer in an open abuse report (both shown below)

You can choose the predefined reply to be populated in to the additional information section
You can choose the predefined reply to be populated in to the reply text area in an open abuse report

Last updated